Why I’m donating 40% of all profits to Rethink Breast Cancer this January
In an effort to start the New Year off right, I have decided to donate 40% of all profits made during the month of January to a not-for-profit that is dear to my heart, Rethink Breast Cancer.
Yup. That’s me in 2020, rocking the post-chemo, post-bilateral mastectomy look.
If you don't know this already, I'm proud to say that I'm a breast cancer survivor. It still gives me anxiety to say this out loud (I'm a bit superstitious), but as of right now I'm healthy and three years past my first chemotherapy treatment. Through the ups and (very low) downs of my cancer journey, I came to rely on my “breasties” and organizations like Rethink Breast Cancer for support and advice.
At the start of each New Year, I ask myself how I can be of service. How I can make a difference, even in a teeny tiny way. This year I've decided to honour my journey and give back to the foundation that walked me through so many hurdles along the way.
Rethink Breast Cancer is a not-for-profit organization that teaches, empathizes, and connects women with breast cancer and those who are supporting them. It’s an organization that advocates for those who are vulnerable. They work tirelessly on making real change within our governments and health care systems. They provide endless articles, events (online and in person) and fundraisers that support women like me. Real women that never thought, even for a second, that breast cancer would affect them. I come from a family with no cancer history. I don’t carry any of the genes. I ate healthily and kept fit my whole life. I breast fed both of my sons. I did everything I was told to do. And yet… bam. Stage 3 breast cancer. Seemingly overnight.
I encourage you to check out Rethink Breast Cancer’s website to see the amazing work they’re doing for yourself. The people behind this foundation deserve angel wings.
So if you've been putting off purchasing that piece of art you've had your eye on, or have been meaning to grab one of my note card sets, now is the time to do so! Whether you shop on my website or on Etsy 40% of all profits will be donated directly to Rethink Breast Cancer at the beginning of February!
As always, I can’t thank you enough for your continued support & interest in this journey of mine.
Be sure to sign up for The Collector’s Club e-mail list to be the first to know about new releases, sales, events and more! You’ll even receive a FREE Guide to Framing Artwork and a 10% code for your first purchase! WOOHOO!
Until next time, check your lemons and keep well my friend.