How painting saved my life.
During a time of uncertainty, my painting practice reminded me of who I once was, and who I wanted to be moving forward on my journey to recovery.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month… in January!?
Find out why I’ve decided to donate 40% of all profits to Rethink Breast Cancer in January, instead of the traditional Breast Cancer Awareness month (October)! My reasons might surprise you!

Why I’m donating 40% of all profits to Rethink Breast Cancer this January
For the month of January, I’ll be donating 40% of all profits to Rethink Breast Cancer, a not-for-profit resource, advocate and support for women going through breast cancer. I couldn’t have gotten through my journey without them.
Keep me posted!
Let’s be honest, the main goal here is for me to create artwork. So to say I’ll stick to a schedule for publishing blog posts just isn’t realistic. But I do intend of dedicating time to each post, ensuring what I am writing & sharing is actually of some value. If you’d like to be notified whenever I do get around to publishing a new blog post, click the button below!