As I mentioned in my last blog post, one of my favourite ways to make a house feel like home is to incorporate artwork that reflects who I am; my style, interests and values. There are so many artists that I admire and want to support, but buying all original artwork isn’t necessarily an option. But I won’t let that stop me from surrounding myself with meaningful art. A variety of prints, originals, and vintage/thrifted artwork creates a beautiful, eclectic vibe in my home. Not only does this bring me a sense of connection and belonging within my space, but it hasn’t totally depleted my bank account either! Win-win.

One thing that used to stump me, however, was the “getting it up on the walls” part of owning art. I’d be so excited with my new piece - jazzed to have made the purchase, and excited to incorporate it into my home - but then it’d sit for months (if not years!), collecting dust instead of compliments! Are you nodding in agreement here? Stick with me…

As I’ve gotten back into painting again, I have had more time to reflect on just how important it is to me to surround myself with artwork. And not just my own. In fact, I prefer the work of others because I don’t focus on what could be different or better. I just live with the beauty that someone else created, accepting it for exactly what it is.

In realizing just how much I love surrounding myself with art, I’ve taken it upon myself to really explore easy, approachable ways of framing artwork. In doing this research, I have gone from feeling totally overwhelmed with the prints and originals (most of them vintage, in horribly ugly frames) collecting dust in my house, to framing them beautifully and within a specific budget. I’ve done the cheap and cheerful framing options, and the custom framing route. Neither are more right or wrong. I just do what I can manage at the time. But they all look great, and they get the art up on my walls in a gorgeous and thoughtful way!

If you’re sitting here thinking, “Okay Alex… give me the goods already!” I hear you and I’ve got you. If you want to get your hands on a FREE Framing Guide that I’ve created, specifically focusing on Art Prints and Originals, click below to grab yours. Print it out, highlight it, mark it up. Share it with your family and friends!

My hope is my FREE Framing Guide will help answer any questions you may have and will help guide you towards finding an approachable and thoughtful way of getting your art out of storage and onto your walls! Because there is truly nothing better than surrounding yourself with art that speaks to you.

Thanks for reading!

xxx Alex


Bringing Connection Home.


Making a house feel like home with art.